Its been over an year since I got back for my sabbatical trip to South America (Argentina, Chile, Peru ,Bolivia and half a day in Brazil). Its been slow progress but I’ve finally completed the final blog post of that trip.

You can find a list of all the related posts here.

My motivation for writing the posts was partly to document my travels and partly to share my experience so that others who might embark on a similar route might avoid some of the pitfalls I encountered on my trip.

I’ve omitted the exact costs as :

  • I’ve forgotten the exact values
  • Not useful as the inflation in these countries make them irrelevant overtime anyway.

Though I try to make comparisons whenever possible to give the reader a rough gauge.

Although I’ve documented all the travel posts of my trip I’ve still got 2 pending blog posts on 2 topics related to the trip but not restrained to one location:

  • Crime safety & risk
  • Payments

With my trip posts finally concluded I now release this material to a wider audience. I hope you find it informative and (if you intend on visiting) useful. It was an exhausting yet rewarding experience and hopefully the posts capture this in sufficient detail.

photo collage of my selfies A collage to contrast the different climatic zones I encountered on this trip.